We've already gotten some fabulous reader reviews for Jane Stanton Hitchcock's Mortal Friends. Diane LaRue calls it a "clever, seductive society story," on her blog bookchickdi, and Lauren Gibaldi blogs, "Mortal Friends is an incredibly fun book, that's as juicy as tabloid columns." Nancy Viens writes: "I read the book Mortal Friends,and found it chatty and fun. Very hip and good strong characterization. I liked it so much I loaned it to a friend!" And Karina Worlton sent us a very thoughtful review, all of which is included after the jump. If you'd like to review Mortal Friends, please email us at [email protected]. We'd love to hear from you!
And here's Karina's review:
I enjoyed Mortal Friends! It was a good murder mystery, although it certainly wasn't a whodunnit. There was no way to figure out who had done the murders. Indeed, every time I thought I knew who was the murderer, some other secret came out! It was such an adventure to see what happened next.
I really enjoyed how the main character was not a sweet young thing, but rather a grown woman with some life experience. On the other hand, she was as naive as a sweet young thing, and that made for some fascinating moments. The point that evil often isn't where you expect it was well taken.
My only beef with the book, and for me it's a major one, was the foul language. I understand the occasional swear under duress, but it was far too frequent in the book. It's far too easy to succumb to the temptation to use foul language to let the reader know that someone is upset, but when it is done so often, it loses all power.
Thanks for the opportunity to review this delightful novel, as well as for the link to my blog.
Posted by: Diane LaRue | August 26, 2009 at 04:30 PM
Thanks for linking to my review!
Posted by: Lauren | August 26, 2009 at 01:39 PM