It was great seeing old friends and making new ones at last week’s AAP Book Buzz here in NYC. The AAP Library Committee is comprised of library marketers from various publishing houses. We get together several times a year to brainstorm about different ways we can connect our authors and books to libraries. We decided to invite librarians from the tri-state area and barrage them with book talks and sandwiches! It worked – we all had a lot of fun and it was a great opportunity to talk about some upcoming books that have us jazzed (there’s just never enough time to talk about them all!)
Marilyn Johnson, author of the upcoming This Book Is Overdue! How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All kicked off the event with a brief talk about the increasing demands on librarians to keep up with the onslaught of new technology. This book is an homage to librarians everywhere – and it is long overdue!
If anyone is interested in a galley of This Book Is Overdue, I have a few to spare. Send an email to me at librarylovefest at harpercollins dot com and I’ll be happy to send one to you.
Here is a list of the books I had presented. Clicking on each title will bring you to its page in our online catalog. Note: a few of these titles won't hit our catalogs until the beginning of November, so we've put them at the end of the list. Happy reading!
Making Toast by Roger Rosenblatt
Shadow Tag by Louise Erdrich
The Bricklayer by Noah Boyd
31 Bond Street by Ellen Horan
Wench by Dolen Perkins-Valdez
Brava, Valentine by Adriana Trigiani
In this follow-up to the celebrated The Myth of You and Me, a young mother finds her identity rocked to the core when her writer-husband reveals his next novel about infidelity isn’t entirely fiction.
ISBN 13: 9780061774508
Pub date: 5/1/2010
Print run: 40K
Also available in large print
Island Beneath the Sea by Isabel Allende
From the sugar plantations of Saint-Domingue to the lavish parlors of New Orleans at the turn of the 19th century, New York Times-bestselling author Isabel Allende’s latest novel tells the story of a mulatta woman, a slave and concubine, determined to take control of her own destiny in a society where that would seem impossible.
ISBN 13: 9780061988240
Pub date: 5/1/2010
Print run: 250K
The Mapping of Love and Death by Jacqueline Winspear
In the newest installment in the New York Timesbestselling series, Maisie Dobbs is hired to unravel a case of wartime love and death, an investigation that leads her to a doomed affair between a young cartographer and a mysterious nurse.
ISBN 13: 9780061727665
Pub date: 5/1/2010
Print run: 75K
Beautiful Maria of My Soul by Oscar Hijuelos
In this companion to Hijuelos' Pulitzer Prize-winning The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love, we return to the beautifully interwoven stories of the Castillo brothers and Nestor's muse and lost love, Maria, from Havana in the 1940s to Miami in the 1990s.
ISBN 13: 9781401323349
Pub date: 6/1/2010