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« ALA Midwinter Author Breakfast | Main | Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger »

January 5, 2010



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Got any copies left? Trying to rustle up giveaways for our school library conference!


I would love to give it a try! Thanks!


Sounds like a cute book.

Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

Lisa S

This sounds like a great book. I would like a copy if you still have one availible.

brenda helgeson

this book sounds interesting. always looking for good "curl up in the winter" reading

Sharon A

This sounds like a very special book and exactly what I need in my life right now.

Sandra K321

This sounds like an enjoyable book. The reviews say it has rich characters, which I like.

Bonnie M.

This book sounds so great! I'd love an opportunity to have a copy. Thanks

Alexandrea M

I really like what I read of the first chapter, what a great book! Thank you for the giveaway!

Mary Ward

It sounds like something I would really love to read.

Kathy D

I would love to read this... wound never give my ex a second helping.....


this sounds awesome thanks


As a Readers' Services librarian I would love to have another author to recommend to my patrons.


This sounds like a wonderful read - thank you for the opportunity to try out a new author (to me).

Melissa C

This sounds like a great book! I will have to pick up the first one too as it is a new-to-me author! Thanks for the chance to read this book!


This unique and special story sounds heartwarming, delightful and unforgettable. Thanks for this opportunity.

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