Today's the big day! Marilyn Johnson, author of This Book is Overdue! How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All, is on Blogtalk radio (2 pm EST) with Virginia Stanley and Earlyword's Nora Rawlinson. If you need an incentive to listen, here's a quick review of This Book is Overdue! from reference librarian Lisa Steckhahn (West Allis Public Library):
I was very excited to read this book and hear an outside perspective on libraries and librarians. Marilyn Johnson shows that librarians vary but they all have a common goal: help people find information. As the amount of information increases in our daily lives it becomes more evident someone is needed to organize and document it. Johnson also challenges the image of a librarian behind a desk. Radical reference and Second Life demonstrate what can happen when librarians take to the streets and cyberspace. Reading about the various ways libraries and librarians are changing the world is very inspiring and has made me think of my job in a new and different way. I think the general public has many misconceptions about librarians and hopefully after reading this book they will see that librarians are not set in their ways. Libraries can change as society changes and in many cases lead the way to a better future.
Curious? Call or write in with a question for Marilyn, and we'll send you a copy of the book. Just remember to register here.
Great interview! Thanks for the reminder! I'm really looking forward to reading the book.
Posted by: Kaley DeGoursey | March 18, 2010 at 02:52 PM