Attention all ALA-attending librarians!
Take advantage of an exclusive opportunity to hear directly from book publishing’s editors on the hot books they are excited about and why….and hosted by Nancy Pearl.
The Association of American Publishers (AAP)’s Trade Libraries Committee, in collaboration with Nancy Pearl, National Public Radio commentator, author of the Book Lust series, librarian action figure hero, book lover, rock star, will host its inaugural Fall Books Preview at the upcoming Annual Conference of the American Library Association in Washington, DC. The program, titled From the Inside(rs) Out: Book Editors and the New Titles They Love, will be held on Friday, June 25 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in Room 103A of the Washington D.C. Convention Center just prior to the opening of the Exhibit floor.
“The industry’s top editors are profoundly grateful to librarians as book buyers and book promoters in towns and cities across the country. Librarians and libraries have enormous influence on cultural life, bringing good books and good authors to their communities,” said Talia Sherer, Director of Library Marketing at Macmillan and Chair of the AAP Trade Libraries Committee. “Throughout the course of the Conference, librarians will be visiting booths and attending many educational seminars and meetings. We thought it fitting to kick off the Conference just before the doors open by talking about books, and just books. Having the event hosted by the beloved Nancy Pearl, one of the most admired librarians in the country, will be an added treat.”
We do hope you can make it. While RSVP is not required, please send a quick email to the AAP’s Marlene Scheuermann ([email protected]) if you can attend so we get an idea of the expected attendance.
Hope to see you there!