In March, Virginia gave us a preview of Michael J. Fox’s new book, Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist. If you want to see just how he remains optimistic in the face of adversity, check out this clip of Michael on Good Morning America, where he discusses his upcoming ABC-TV special with Diane Sawyer. He also mentions his new book, Always Looking Up, on sale now.
On Thursday, May 7th, watch ABC-TV’s The View (check your local listings for times) where Michael will be interviewed about the special and his book, Always Looking Up. Finally, later that evening keep your television on ABC-TV to watch his special, Michael J. Fox: Adventures of an Incurable Optimist. Michael J. Fox hosted and produced the piece.
Watching Michael J. Fox in action gives me motivation and inspiration. If he can stay optimistic no matter the circumstances, so can I…and so can you! Enjoy!