We are so excited about the upcoming release of Little Princes, by Conor Grennan. Last month, I wrote about this amazing story. If you missed it, click here.
We received a great review from Lisa Steckhahn, Reference Librarian from the West Allis Public Library in Wisconsin. Here is Lisa's review of Little Princes:
A three month stint volunteering in an orphanage in Nepal on a trip around the world became a life mission that not only changed Conor Grennan’s life but the lives of many of Nepal’s children forever. Most of these orphans are not really orphans at all. Their parents were conned by human traffickers who convinced them that they could give their children a better life by allowing them to be taken away. So inspired by his time volunteering he started a nonprofit foundation called Next Generation Nepal (NDP). This book recounts his story from his arrival in Nepal to trekking across the Himalayas in search of the children’s parents. When I started this book I knew next to nothing about Nepal. But this engaging story has educated and touched me about this little know part of the world. This book is sure to become a hit when it's released in January.
Reference Librarian
West Allis Public Library
Many thanks to Lisa and everyone at the West Allis Public Library. If you would like a copy of Little Princes and didn't request one previously, please post a comment or email us at librarylovefest at harpercollins dot com and I would be more than happy to send you one. I'd love to hear your comments! I truly believe you will love Little Princes as much as we do!